Plus, I learnt to use the computer and the internet more. Although I always have had problems with internet because I don't know how to use it, now I can say that I have learnt more about that. I can even upload pictures in my blog!
I don’t know if I am improving my writing but at least now, I am in the habit of writing more. Nevertheless, I can write about many topics that before I could not write about because I did not have much vocabulary. I always had to use the language translator.
The homeworks were interesting, not that easy sometimes but it does not mean that they were boring.
One of the things that I really liked was the wordle's homework. It was so interesting because if you don't want the other person to know what are you talking about, this instrument can help you because it is difficult for someone to understand what you are trying to say. Besides, you can choose your font, colour and types of wordle.
How can I forget the blogathon! I think that this idea was excellent. I could not do my blogathon everyday like I wanted; I try to do my best effort to be responsible for my homework.
Using this site was a great experience. I think that it is a good way to improve and practice another language like we are doing now. I believe that we might continue with this task. It is not a boring site, you can create and decorate your own blog as you like,etc. Plus,you have a site on the internet , something I never imagined having.
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